God is moving in our midst! The opportunities are listed below for you to come experience His presence through musical worship, intimate prayer, Biblical preaching, and warm fellowship.
10:30 AM
Morning Worship
Joy Ambassadors (Children)
6:00 PM
Evening Worship
7:00 PM
Bible Hour
(Bible classes for all ages)

Knowing God Rightly. Here at Faith Mission Church we believe that our knowledge of who God really is impacts every area of our lives.
Loving God Totally. Here at Faith Mission Church we believe that only through a totally surrendered life to God will we find peace and fulfillment.
Loving Others Selflessly. Here at Faith Mission Church we desire to love God and our neighbor with a selfless and sacrificial love that meets people where they are.

Our Mission
To glorify God by: preaching and living biblical holiness; extending help to the community around us; and giving the gospel message to those who need Jesus
Our Vision
To bring people to Christ and help them glorify God in their daily lives
Our Statement of Faith
Read the complete statement here.

Joy Ambassadors
For ages 3-11, our children's ministry happens each Sunday morning during the preaching portion of the service.
Bible Hour
Each Wednesday evening we teach the Bible to all age groups. We have a staffed nursery for the littles. The other age groups are 3-5 y/o, 6-8 y/o, 9-12 y/o, 13-18 y/o, and two options for those 18+ y/o.
Stone City Christian Academy
A K-12 academy offering quality education and a Christian worldview. Learn more
Bus Ministry
Each Sunday morning we provide a hot breakfast meal and transportation to and from the service. Contact us to get picked up this Sunday!
Pastoral Staff

Bryan & Rhoda Line

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Whether you want to learn more about our church, have a question about your faith, or are interested in one of our ministries, we want to hear from you!
Contact us by email using our simple contact form or by phone at 812-279-8551.